Neuroscience and ADHD Part 2
Last post I talked a little about how the study of Neuroscience is beginning to shed a great deal of light on the brain and its neuroplasticity. Our brain is constantly changing and renewing itself. We are what we think and what we think about does affect the structure and function of the brain. This is good news. It means that if we have thought ourselves into a negative place, then we can think ourselves out of it. I do not profess to be a professional, but its worth understanding. As thoughts enter into our conscious mind they become plastic and we can change them. If we find ourselves thinking something negative, then we can catch that thought, be deliberate in understanding where it comes from and begin to reframe our thinking by deliberately thinking constructive thoughts about situations. If we are deliberate in this and engage in deep thinking, learning to understand our thoughts, and to get hold of the negative ones, then reframe for positive ones, it changes the landscape of...