
Showing posts from May, 2013


To medicate or not to medicate? This is one of the most asked about topics in my experience of helping parents who have children with ADHD. There is so much information out there about medications, there are different types of medication and there is still unfortunately a great deal of prejudice. Of course, medication is not the miracle answer to ADHD it is simply one of the tools in a vast toolbox of options that can be very helpful. When children with ADHD struggle to concentrate, when they are highly distractable, medication can be really helpful to help them concentrate. Remember that true ADHD is a neurological disorder. There are many things that can have similar symptoms to ADHD, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, living with domestic violence,  Sleep Apnoea and food intolerances. If symptons similar to  ADHD are present then it is really important to look at what is really going on. Is this really ADHD or are there other things going on? Are some of theses other ...