Hi. It's been a little while since I've written anything here but I wanted to share some thoughts. Every where I go it seems that people have an opinion on ADHD. Most of these people have never lived with it, or even understand what it really is. However people have strong opinions and often strong ill informed opinions. I spend much of my time in discussion with these people explaining the true nature of ADHD. Sure, there are other things that look like ADHD. (Food intolerance, sleep apnoea, Autism, and many other things can look like ADHD. But the parents of children living with ADHD that I meet are sick and tired of having to deal with the ignorance of others who "have the answer for them". They are fed up with having to justify the choices they make for their kids as if they've made them without reference to anyone else or anything. None of them have wanted to medicate their children. None of them are looking for a quick fix. What they are looking for is su...