Dealing with Big changes.
I had a question recently from one of our group about helping children with big changes. Changes happen all the time for all of us and while they can be exciting, there can also be some moments of hesitation and anxiety. For children diagnosed with ADHD these changes can be very unsettling. All their anxieties can rise because of the unknown and this can lead to undesirable behaviour. If we can minimise the anxiety we can help our children negotiate change well. I've got some ideas here, but I'm keen to hear what others have to say. Each child is different. Some ways to help with change. As much as possible, keep the routine the same Explain to the child what is happening and why. Allow the child to ask whatever questions they want and listen to their feelings. No question is silly. Validate their feelings. They are not silly for having these feelings of sadness, anxiety or uncertainty. This is very normal and they need to know that these feelings are normal. Be prepared to...