Christmas and Holidays
We are coming to one of the most exciting times of year. The end of the school year is almost upon us and Christmas is only a few weeks away. This is a great time of year for celebration, for family traditions and for holidays. This is also a time where children living with ADHD can be free from the constraints of school and enjoy much more free time. It does mean that there is often less routine and this can make this time a year a little tricky. Some thoughts on having a great Christmas holiday season. Try to keep as much routine as possible. I know that it's often a time when as parents we want to relax and let routine slip, however this can be quite off putting for some children. Keeping betime and morning routines can help maintain a better equilibrium for all involved. Of course, feel free to relax the routine if possible. Plan your daily activities well. If your child is in Vacation Care, they will have great activities planned for your children. If your children are a...