A new year
Do you start your new year with resolutions? How has that worked for you? Do you find yourself realising very quickly that the resolutions fall apart very quickly?
In our world we are told the importance of planning and smart goals to achieve the outcomes we want. We hear things like, "if you don't plan, then you plan to fail". I don't find these simple sayings that helpful. I know that it's possible to plan carefully, and then life throws a completely unforeseen curve ball at you, and suddenly everything falls apart.
So what is the answer? The truth is that the answer depends on your personality, the type of work you do, and your own family dynamics. My best suggestion is to not try to plan too far ahead, and to find what works in your individual situation.
For example, I know people who just love their personal planners, entering in things in great detail, weekly, monthly, quarterly. You get the drift. It works for them and their context.
I tried the planner and it didn't work. I forgot to write things in it, I put things in my phone and my planner, but never cross checked, so often double booked. And ultimately, i couldn't find the planner. It was an unmitigated disaster.
For me, my phone calender is my go to. But there is a proviso. For it to work, I've learnt that i have to put things into the calendar straight away, or i will forget and double book myself. I find this works for most things, even things like appointments i need to make. If i don't do it straight away, my brain will focus on more interesting things and i will not get round to making that appointment.
The other thing that I know works for me, is only thinking about the three most important things i need to do each day. If i get them done, it's a win. Of course there are more than three things that need to be achieved in the day for work and home, but getting the three most important things done gives me a sense of personal achievement and I am more motivated to do more, and accomplish more.
Lastly, cause you might be distracted by now, I try to use my ability to hyperfocus to get things done. The up side of this is i achieve a lot during that time. The down side? Once i am no longer in hyperfocus mode and I've lost interest, it can be almost impossible to finish that task.
Again, I've learnt to do the the most important things (at least they are important to me). If i lose focus, at least the important thing is done. Of course, i can hyperfocus best on things that totally absorb my interest, and this can be frustrating because it may not be what really needs to be done at that time.
So be it. Those important things will get done once they become urgent. I've learnt to accept that is how i work.
So, learn how you function best and maximise that. Be aware that what works for me, may not work for you but I encourage you to give it ago.
What has worked in the past and why did it work?
What three things are important to achieve?
Get them done and consider it a win. They don't have to be done first thing, just done during the day.
What can be done on your phone to take advantage of times when you're waiting for kids, or friends or waiting for an appointment? (Watch out for phone distractions like social media).
And most importantly, how are looking after your own self care?. Take time for that too.
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